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Thursday Plenary – June 21, 2018 | 1:30 p.m.

Latinos and 2018: Will the Crises of Today Turn into a Catalyst for Action Tomorrow?

Latino political power and influence continues to grow each election cycle, with the nation’s second largest population group demonstrating their ability to play a decisive role in elections across all fifty states. This newfound power has placed a spotlight on the Latino community as efforts to undermine the political progress we have achieved continue on a number of policy fronts, including voting rights, Census 2020, and naturalization. This plenary will bring together generations of diverse Latino leaders from across the country to discuss whether these efforts to address recent Latino advancement will serve as a catalyst for Latino mobilization or a hurdle that makes it more difficult for our community to realize its full political potential in 2018 and beyond.

Presenting Sponsor Host: Toyota
Co-Hosts: Aetna & Walmart

Friday Plenary – June 22, 2018 | 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Thrive or Survive: How to Improve Opportunities for Children and Create Stronger Communities

Latino policymakers across the nation are grappling with the emerging challenges of ensuring that their workforce has the agility and skills to compete in an increasingly complex global economy. Post-secondary education has a critical role to play in this transformation, with higher education institutions like Arizona State University at the forefront of innovations to revolutionize our economy by increasing college access and career readiness for Latino students. During this plenary session, leaders in post-secondary education and other sectors will share their thoughts on how to ensure more Latino students are able to help their communities and families thrive by graduating from post-secondary institutions with the skills needed to advance their careers and sustain our nation’s global competitiveness.

Host: Arizona State University

Saturday Plenary – June 23, 2018 | 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Census 2020 at Risk: Ensuring an Accurate Count of the Nation’s Latinos

Census 2020 is less than two years away, and now more than ever, our work towards an accurate count of all Latinos is crucial. With Latinos now the nation’s second largest population group and one out-of-every six Americans, full and accurate data about the Latino community are critical for our country’s economic, social and civic well-being. This session will provide an update of the most important policy developments related to Census 2020, and the risks facing a fair and sound decennial enumeration. The program will also include opportunities for policymakers and leaders to take immediate action to help ensure a full and accurate count of Latinos in 2020.

Chair: Arizona Community Foundation
Convener: Univision Communications Inc.
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