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NALEO Educational Fund Election 2022 Data and Research Hub

NALEO Educational Fund Election 2022 Data and Research Hub

As the second-largest segment of the United States citizen voting-age population, Latinos are yet again poised to play a decisive role in the outcome of our upcoming elections. This year, NALEO Educational Fund projects that 11.6 million Latino voters will cast their ballots in November, closely mirroring the Latino electorate’s historic turnout in 2018.

This page houses our most current data on the Latino vote in the 2022 primary and general elections.

2022 National Latino Voter Weekly Tracking Poll 

Over the course of this nine-week tracking poll, 2,000 Latino registered voters will be asked about their preferences in congressional races, their favorability of President Biden, their feelings about major issues facing the country, and more. 

Week One — September 14 

Week Two — September 21 

Week Three — September 28

Week Four — October 5

Week Five — October 12

Week Six — October 19

Week One — September 14 

Week Two — September 21 

Week Three — September 28

Week Four — October 5

Week Five — October 12

Week Six — October 19

Week Seven — October 26

Week Eight — November 2

Week Nine — November 7

Los Angeles Downtown

Los Angeles Latino Voter Snapshot Poll 

This snapshot poll offers a comprehensive look at Latino voter preferences in key races and critical issues for the Latino electorate in Los Angeles. It was conducted between April 20–May 3, 2022. 

National and State Latino Vote Projections 

NALEO Educational Fund’s National and State Projections offer a comprehensive analysis of expected Latino voter turnout both nationwide and within key states during this year’s midterm elections. 

According to the projections, Latinos will once again play a decisive role in the 2022 midterm elections, closely mirroring 2018’s historic turnout numbers, with projected increases in the key battleground states of Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada. 

I voted

Primary Election Profiles (Select Cities and States) 

These primary election profiles offer an in-depth look at the Latino electorate and key races to watch in select states. 

For more information about the NALEO Educational Fund’s Election 2022 publications, please contact Dorian Caal at [email protected].
To arrange an interview, please reach out to [email protected].