

Zoom Webinars

The world, and our nation, are facing a public health crisis that we have not experienced in generations.  The numerous unknowns about the Coronavirus COVID-19 and the rapid pace at which it continues to spread have created pressures on everything from critical health care supplies, food supply chains, education and the economy.  While every level of government is playing a vital role in responding to this pandemic, all emergencies are local.  Latino policymakers serving at all levels of public office can play a critical role during this time, to ensure their jurisdictions are responding to this crisis in the most effective way possible given the circumstances.  This virtual policy Institute will provide policymakers with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of key elements of emergency response management, and the role they play during these efforts.  Experts will also share projected the long- term effects COVID-19 will have on the U.S. economy and education system.




Title Sponsor


Investor Sponsor
  • Providing $365 million in cash bonuses, and accelerating the next quarterly bonus.
  • Hiring 150,000 associates through the end of May
  • Committed $25 million to organizations responding to COVID-19
  • Hosting drive-thru testing sites with government and health officials.


Supporter Sponsor


  • Zoom

COVID-19- Essential Components of Local Response to COVID-19

During a pandemic, as in all emergencies, response begins at the local level and the actions taken before and right after an emergency are critical to saving lives.  In this webinar, experts will provide an update on COVID-19 and the local emergency response efforts to flatten the curve.  The discussion will highlight the role policymakers play during these efforts and offer best practices and lessons learned from previous pandemics.

In this webinar presenters provide an update on the most current information available on the spread and effects of COVID-19 in the U.S. and best practices from a jurisdiction’s local emergency response efforts to slow down the spread of the virus.



COVID-19: Mass Disruptor To Education System And Student Learning

Childcare programs, public schools, and post-secondary institutions have an important role in slowing the spread of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and ensuring the health and safety of families and students.  To help mitigate the impact of COVID-19, policymakers who are on the front lines must determine how to best protect the well-being of learning communities overall, meet students’ needs, minimize disruptions, and provide academic instruction all while responding to breaking developments in real time.  This webinar provided timely legislative developments as well as recommendations from federal and state agencies to leverage during this public health crisis.



Communication: An Essential Skillset for Public Officials in Time of Crisis

Elected officials as public leaders often find themselves, without warning, in the center of a crisis.  Right now, that crisis is COVID-19.  How a public official navigates a moment of crisis can be defining for their careers.  In this webinar, participants will learn strategies and best practices for effectively communicating and leading during a difficult time for themselves and their communities.



Rising to the Challenge:  The Private Sector as Key Partners in COVID-19 Response

As the nation comes together to slow the spread of COVID-19, the leadership of the business community has never been more important than during these times of crisis.  In this webinar participants will learn the key and essential role the private sector is playing to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, in maintaining continuity of operations and a degree of normalcy in the communities they serve.  The discussion will also highlight resources and best practices for cross sector collaborations and partnerships.



Mitigating and Addressing Impact of COVID-19 on Immigrant Communities

The COVID-19 pandemic is leaving no group untouched.  Immigrants are among the vulnerable populations in the face of this public health crisis, even as they remain on the front lines of providing services to communities across several critical sectors.  At the same time, as the economy continues to suffer the effects of the pandemic, they may face even greater challenges in being able to meet the needs of their families.  This webinar will highlight strategies that local governments and advocacy organizations are championing to support the immigrant population during this uncertain time.



Beyond COVID-19: Long Term Impact on Communities

COVID-19 has disrupted major sectors of our economy and its impact will last as people and businesses work to make up for lost time, personal income and revenue.  This webinar provides an overview of the projected long-term impact COVID-19 will have on states and local jurisdiction’s rainy-day funds and tax revenue sources.  Presenters also highlight strategies jurisdictions can undertake to continue to provide vital services and resources in their communities while they work to recover from this crisis.