
October 23-24, 2015 | Miami, FL


On June 25, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in King v. Burwelldetermining that tax subsidies being provided under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) are lawful in states that have decided not to run their own marketplaces for insurance coverage.  With the legality of health care tax subsidies settled, policymakers must now look to the future and begin thinking about the ongoing and impending policy issues that will affect the access and delivery of quality and affordable healthcare for all Americans.


The NALEO Educational Fund’s Legislative Summit on Health will provide state legislators and local policymakers with an opportunity to enhance their understanding of the health policies and legislation that state legislatures will be tackling in future legislative sessions.  This Summit will explore the role state legislators and other state and federal lawmakers play in the development and implementation of the various aspects of health care policy and will also examine its effect on state budgets and other policy areas.


The Summit’s program will cover:


  • An Update on ACA Implementation and the Future of State Budgets
  • Addressing the Health Care Needs of the Medically Disenfranchised
  • An Update on Biologics and Biosimilars
  • A Look at the Future and Cost of Health Insurance Rates
  • Prescription Drug Prices
  • Long-Term Care Issues
  • Examining the Transition from Fee-for-Service to Value-Based Reimbursements

The Summit will convene state legislators, local policymakers, national and state experts, advocates, and other relevant stakeholders.  Participants will have an opportunity to discuss and develop strategic collaborations for addressing the challenges and opportunities around healthcare delivery.  Policymakers will receive information on the latest research, studies and best practices; exchange legislative policies and ideas; strengthen governance skills that support effective leadership in committee roles; and have the opportunity to network with colleagues and experts from throughout the country.


Investor Sponsors
Advance America
Wells Fargo & Co.

Funding Partner
The SCAN Foundation


  • Friday, October 23
  • Saturday, October 24

8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.

Registration & Breakfast

8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Welcome Remarks & Program Overview

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Session I:


The State of Health: A Legislator’s Perspective

Since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted in 2010, it has led sweeping changes to the U.S. health care system. The law has touched almost every aspect of our health care system, from how coverage is obtained to how the health care services are provided. During this introductory session, participants will hear an overview of the Health Summit’s agenda from and share their thoughts about the most pressing health policy issues facing state legislatures and how their states and communities have fared with the ACA.

Summit Facilitator: Hon. Jeffrey Sánchez, Massachusetts State Representative; Chair, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

• Mr. Thomas Betlach, Director, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, President, National Association of Medicaid Directors

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Session II:


Where Are We Now? An Update on the Affordable Care Act

Under the ACA, millions of previously uninsured Americans have become eligible for health insurance. On June 2, 2015, HHS provided updated enrollment figures citing that as of March 31, 2015, 10.2 million people are covered by the Affordable Care Act. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, this is up from 6.3 million at the end of 2014. However, since the passage of the ACA, there have been numerous actions in federal courts to challenge the constitutionality of the legislation and key provisions. Most recently the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case King v. Burwell, upholding health insurance subsidies for people who purchased their insurance through a federal health exchange in states that did not set up their own exchanges. With the legality of the health care tax subsidies settled, policymakers must now look to the future and begin to think about the ongoing and impending policy issues that will affect the access and delivery of quality and affordable health care for all Americans. This session will provide participants with an update on the current state of health access and coverage in the United States and will examine its effect on state budgets and other policy areas.

Summit Facilitator: Hon. Luz Escamilla, Utah State Senator; Member, Senate Health and Human Services Committee

• Ms. MaryBeth Musumeci, Associate Director, Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Kaiser Family Foundation

• Ms. Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, Health Equity Director, Families USA

• Ms. Joy Johnson Wilson, Director, Health & Human Services Policy, National Conference of State Legislatures

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Session III:


Addressing the Health Care Needs of Medically Disenfranchised Populations

The medically disenfranchised includes populations that come from diverse economic backgrounds and communities whose common feature includes a lack of regular and continuous source of primary health care. According to the National Association of Community Health Centers, there are 60 million Americans who do not have access to primary care because of shortages of such providers. As policymakers and providers seek new strategies for expanding access to primary care, one trend that is gaining traction is the use of telemedicine or “telehealth.” It has spread rapidly and is now becoming integrated into the ongoing operations of hospitals, specialty departments, home health agencies, private physician offices and consumer’s homes and workplaces. This session will provide participants with the opportunity to learn more about the gaps in access to primary care and the leadership role that policymakers can play in helping to close this gap.

Summit Facilitator: Hon. Gustavo Rivera, New York State Senator; Member, Senate Health Committee

• Mr. Joseph Gallegos, Western Region, Senior Vice President, National Association of Community Health Centers

• Mr. Mario Gutierrez, Executive Director, Center for Connected Health Policy

12:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.

Luncheon Presentation


An Update on State Level Policy Regarding Biologics and Biosimilars

Biologics are very complex medical products whose active drugs are made by or from living organisms. Biosimilars are follow-on biologics that have been approved as subsequent versions of original biologics and made by different manufacturers. With the passage of the ACA, the U.S. Federal Drug Administration was given the authority to approve biosimilars. However, the substitution of generic drugs with branded drugs is regulated by individual states. This presentation will provide an update on the issues state legislators should be aware of surrounding state regulation of biosimilar substitution/interchangeability as well as an update of state regulatory actions to date.

Keynote Remarks: Hon. Mary K. Wakefield, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Program Presentation: Dr. Philip Schneider, Member, Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines

1:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Session IV:


A Look at the Future and Cost of Health Insurance Rates

The increased cost of health insurance is a reality in any discussion on health policy and health care delivery. Health insurance experts are predicting that health insurance premiums through the Affordable Care Act will rise more significantly next year than in the first two years for millions of Americans. The reasons for the rising premiums are complex, but the rise is partly attributed to carriers now knowing more about the health status and care patterns of their customers. This session will discuss the effect these increasing health costs will have on individual consumers, employers and the quality of health care delivery.

Summit Facilitator: Hon. Jeffrey Sanchez, Massachusetts State Representative; Chair, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

• Mr. Michael Lujan, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer Limelight Health, President, California Association of Health Underwriters

• Mr. Louis Gutierrez, Executive Director, Massachusetts Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority

3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Summit Facilitators Wrap Up & Adjourn for the Day

This facilitated session will provide policymakers with the opportunity to engage in a strategic discussion about state policy opportunities and potential roles policymakers can play on key health policy issues.

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Opening Reception & Celebration

In Honor of The Honorable Luz Weinberg and The Honorable Juan C. Zapata